Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Facebook Will Be Sending You Less Email

Starting today, Facebook will turning off most individual email notifications and instead, they will send you a summary only if there are popular stories you may have missed.
Facebook is testing a new type of e-mail notification that summarize all profile activity for users who currently generate a large number of notification e-mails. The social networking giant clearly hopes to reduce the inbox clutter it is causing for some of its members by cutting down on the number of emails it sends out.

[Learn How to Adjust the Frequency of Facebook Email Alerts]
Instead of getting an e-mail for every new notification you receive on Facebook, you’ll just get a summary e-mail every so often. Here is how the company describes the new Email Frequency feature on an email sending to users:
We’re trying out a new feature to reduce the amount of email you receive from Facebook. Starting today, we are turning off most individual email notifications and instead, we’ll send you a summary only if there are popular stories you may have missed.
You can turn individual emails back on and restore all your original settings at any time.
The Facebook Team


  1. good that facebook has taken this step as its really annoying to get so many emails.

  2. now I don't need to add filters in my gmail. A good step by facebook. Facebook is definitely getting better than google plus

  3. You'll certainly get less amount of email's from facebook from now on.
